Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Start of it All

So I am here and for the most part everything is really nice, the drive was a little harder then what it is that I thought it would, just with the amount of snow that there was but it went really well and we got here a little sooner than what it was that we both thought that we would.

Well as for me I start work tomorrow at 6 in the morning, and will work to about 2 in the afternoon everyone that I have meet has been really nice to me and  I am sleeping in actual heated room, they call it a bunk house, it is right behind the building that I am going to be working in, the room that I am in is a little smaller then the one that I had at home but there is enough room for two people to sleep comfortably, the guy that they have as my room mate right now his name is Clifford from Georgia, he is going to stay here with me for a week or so and then he is off working in another part of camp for the summer, then right after he leaves is when the guy that I will be with for the summer comes in and he will be moving in with me.

As of now I don't have much information as of what it is that I am going to be doing, I will find that one out tomorrow when I show up for my first day but today I will be going out on a hike this afternoon with one of the guys that I will be working with, I will try and get some pictures up from that as soon as I get back.  From what it is that I can tell this is going to be a fun summer and really exciting too.  Well until latter everyone!

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