Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And the Work Goes On

Well today was my first day of doing what it is that I am going to be doing for the summer, now if that doesn't make much or any scene to you here is a little explanation of what is going on...for the past few days I have been doing the work of going around and getting things done and set up before meals start, now they have started to get me going on now checking people off on what it is that they are doing, along with getting all of my stuff done that I am asked to get done.  So in the long run it is a lot of running around from place to place, but with all of the people that I am working with there is no way that this is going to get old, or at least this is not going to get old anytime soon, and after all of the stories that I have heard over the past few days it sounds like things are going to get really exciting, everything from cardboard battles between the two dining halls, to the COPE course that they are planning for all of us to go to, I don't think that I will have too much time to be lazy.

I have gotten some questions about the weather, and other things like that, so here is what it is that I have to say.  Now for the most part it has been really nice here, the sun has been out just about everyday and the temperature ranges from about 34 degrees in the morning to about 70 degrees in the afternoon at the hottest time, when I first got here we had a few days when it snowed for a little bit, and when I say a little bit I mean about 2 min and then the sun is back out and melting what it is that has fallen.  Now, from what it is that I can tell, it is a lot dryer here then it is in Utah.

As for me, I am doing well.  From what I understand most people, as odd as it may sound, loose a lot of weight when they are working in the dinning hall, compared to the other departments around the camp, and I know that I am going to try to loose as much as I can so to do that I am going to take a lot more hikes this summer then what it is that I normally would during the summer, also if I ever plan on going into the city I will try and walk there if I can, and it is not that far it is about four miles away from where it is that I am though it will take me a little time to get there I think that it will help me out a lot on trying to loose the weight that I want to.

Well that is all for me let me know if any of you have questions for me alright.


  1. I liked the pictures and why was a horse trying to get into the car?

  2. I think that what it is that you are doing is pretty interesting. It is probably more interesting than what it is that you were doing and what it is that I am doing. That's what it is.

    Hope your having fun:)
