Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Change of Pace

Today was a little bit of a adventure for me, not that it was hard or anything like that. I just wasn't expecting for things to happen the way that they did...or really I did I just forgot that they where going to happen the way that they did.  I woke up thinking that going to work today was going to be just like any other day, not too many worries but ends up that it was my turn to take the wheel and drive for even just a short time.  I really don't know what it is that I can say about it, really I felt like I was back at home doing what it was that I did at work, just a lot more people to try and keep busy for the time that they came into work, and luckily for me there where things that needed to be done that took everyones help to get it finished.

Well the activities have started, and I have been having fun with them, though I will tell you that I am not the best at any of them, and that if I win at any of the games that they have it is just luck.  A few days ago they had a Game Triathlon, it consisted of the games of Pool, Fooseball, and Table Tennis, three games that I have absolutely no skills in, but I gave it a try, and made it one round in foosball, not much more in anything else.  But I had fun cheering on the others that where playing.  I am looking forward to the other things that they have planed out for the summer.

The only thing that I have a hard time with is some of the movies that people want to watch out in the public room with most of them being rated R.  I know that it might be a little different for those that have never meet anyone with the standards that I have, with the staying away from the really violent movies and the really foul language and other things like that, and you can tell that most people at some point in their life have known someone that has meet a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, because when I walk into the room they change the way that they are talking to be something more respectful then what it was before, some have even warned me to stay away from some areas because of things that they are doing.  In a way it is nice that people care about helping me out that they are willing to go to that point of trying to change what it is that they are doing when I am around, I just wish that there was a way to get something in the SSSAC (staff activities center) to have the movies that have the R rating into one of the privet TV room for the sake of cleaning the air.

Well, as for me. I am doing well, really enjoying myself, I got to have a talk today with one of the guys in the kitchen about the church today, and the first thing that he asked me about it was about food storage, and I thought that it was interesting what it was that he said to me about it, just that it was a good idea but having more than a six month food storage is just over kill.  Not much that I can say to that, but I thought that it was good that he even knew some of the things that we do as a church, and just a little ironic that it was about food storage with him being one of the guys making all of the food for us.  And for the both of us, we can't wait until the back country opens back up for hiking and camping, me so I can try out my new backpack and well get out and explore a little more of what is out here.  I am also excited for when they get more of the things open over here in the camps so I can try out some of the stuff that they have here, and one of these days I am going to try and take the tour of the villa and learn a little more about where it is that I am staying at.  Well I love you all and hope that those of you that are still in school have the best of luck with the last few weeks of classes.


  1. Hope this week is a good one for you! Maybe you could take time this week while it is still a little slow to practice your foosball skills!

  2. It sounds like you are having some really great experiences. I love hearing that.
