Monday, July 5, 2010

Sorry it has been so long

So I know that it has been a little bit of time since my last post so here is a quick update on what is going on...first my computer hard drive crashed got it somewhat fixed at least to the point that I could turn on my computer and get things going but it took forever to get anything done, well after I got my computer working my iPod hard drive crashed so that was not much fun and that I couldn't get fixed so I ended up getting a new one, but I think that this one is going to last me a lot longer with the size that it is and everything with all of my music on it and everything it isn't even taking up 10% of the space on it and it was cheaper than a touch.  Well once I got everything working to I point that I thought that I would be good my computer hard drive crashed again the good thing for me is that I had everything backed up on my external hard drive so nothing was lost or I hope that nothing was lost I still need to take a look and see, but from the looks of it everything is still there...oh the joys of computers.

Alright so I am going to try and remember everything that I have done for the past few weeks.  Now as most of you may know a few weeks back I went on a hike/camp out with my roommate Sam, really the first chance that we have had to go out into the back-country and see some of the sights, and for the most part I really enjoyed it, got to use my new pack, and find out that the tent that I am borrowing doesn't have any tent stakes in it (and it is one of the ones that you need the stakes to make the tent stay up luckily for me there where plenty of rocks around that I could use.  Now like I said it was a combination hike and camp out in total I think that we ended up backpacking close to 25 miles for the three days that we where out and during that time we saw two adult bears, one cub, and a bunch of fossils on the top of one of the mountains (all of the fossils being sea creatures as odd as that my sound).  And to end off the hike we went to the top of the Tooth of Time and hiked into base camp from there.  Like I said we had a lot of fun with that, got to know a few new people and make some new friends.  I am looking forward to my next chance to go out into the back-country.

Next up is LDS week, now at first this was a big shock for odd as it may sound...I got up in the morning got ready for church, I was speaking in the Raton branch, and step out the door and the first thing that I see is that there is hundreds of other people dressed up in church clothes heading off to their classes around the camp. I was not something that I was use to seeing well at least not out here.  The best way to try and describe what it was like was like going to stake conference for sacrament meeting with the number of people.  Now as far as my work goes, it has been fun.  Everyone has made it seem like these weeks are the hardest because there are so many people, but really I haven't seen anything different from working at Coneys  as long as you are doing your job and letting people know what is going on they are very cooperative and are willing to wait the extra five minutes for the food to come out.  The only thing is the kids are really, really loud in the mornings...mostly when you are trying to sleep in.  Take that back they are loud all of the time, but really it is nice having more people around and ones that understand what it is that I am talking about when I mention something about the church.

Now for everyones favorite part the pictures...

1 comment:

  1. I like seeing all your pics. It really looks beautiful out there.
